Sunday 14 September 2014



My name is Bubbles. Yesterday I was sitting at the table enjoying my favourite food sushi for dinner until suddenly the sea shell horn went off we all know what that means SHARK ATTACK! We all swan outside of our coral houses there was panic through the town. Mrs Coral and her ten children pearl, wave, salt, weed, lucky, fin, scales, eco, snip and trouble were swimming to safety. Me and my family swan in different directions my sister went to the neighbours underground tunnel my dad stayed inside and shut the door and my mother went to the police station and I stopped and looked for a place to go for safety until a shark saw me as dinner I began to swim out of the reef I didn’t care where I was going I just swam I swan in circles I swan in and out the rocks and still I was being chased I swam until my tail gave up. I could only close my eyes and wait for me to be swallowed by the greedy angry great white shark. So I sat there with my eyes tightly closed and nothing happened. So I thought this is funny nothing happened I opened one eye surprisingly I was in a cave that had a small entrance and the sharks nose was stuck in the small entrance. I opened both eyes got up and whipped the sharks nose with my tale it groaned and managed to free itself from the tiny hole. But I was too frightened to leave the cave even though the shark was gone. I decided to explore toe cave but I turned around and it was a dead end the cave was small and boring. I sat there as the days passed I grew hungrier and hungrier after about nine days of sitting in the cold small empty space thinking about sharks. I knew I can’t stay in here forever so I slowly began to swim out of the cave. Then suddenly in the distance I saw some mean with seaweed on top just floating there that got me thinking about sushi but before I went to eat it I made sure the coast was clear it was so I began to nibble at the meat when I was finished I could not swim away I was stuck I tugged and tugged then suddenly I began to be pulled up before I knew it I was on a boat and I couldn’t breathe then I saw a dark tunnel with I light at the end so I swam towards the light seconds later I didn’t know what had happened then I realized I was a ghost and my life was over.                              BY NAKISHA  

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