Sunday 14 September 2014



The boat bumped into the concrete curb as it slightly leaned to the right. I gazed up at the amazing sight, looking at all the birds and trees, next thing I knew a massive dinosaur swung out from behind the trees. I almost had a heart attack, I heard the speakers talking about a bird. Bird, I don’t see any bird I thought. I still remember turning around to see a massive eagle swoop down and Mrs Caie saying to the bird, take Tobin, take Tobin! We laughed and carried on with the ride. I remember looking up to see a massive tree falling down, and a man saying “TIMBER!” I thought it was sooooooooooo awesome! After that we went up a ramp and down the other side, out of the dark. I looked over and saw a massive water fall. “Are we going down that?” I though. We were just on top of it then…… “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” We screamed. When we got to the bottom we were all soooooooooo wet, but it was the best ride ever!

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