Sunday 14 September 2014


Yesterday I woke up to an annoying buzzing sound. I knew right away that the wasps have come to sting me, like they do every morning they are big bully’s they are always picking on me because I’m small, slow and easy to wind up. I tucked my body in my shell but like always they out smarted me Troy the leader of the group lead the other wasps inside of my shell and they stung me. I wonder how they found me I was hiding in the lettuce patch under a leaf oh well I thought as I pulled out all the stingers ouch it felt like I had three holes right through me but I ignored the pain and started thinking about getting some breakfast. I poked my head out of my shell luckily the wasps had gone I made sure the coast was clear it was do I slid out of my shell and began to munch on some of my favourite food lettuce from the garden. Suddenly, it began to rain, and as we all know snails are very slow and being the size of a peanut, rain drops are like bolder to us. So I dropped my breakfast and began to slide towards my shell as fast as I could. It took me five minutes to reach my shell. Finally I squeezed inside. I took a long look at myself I was covered in bruises I began to count them. Eventually I finished I had 63 bruises. Suddenly I heard the school bell go. I began to move away from the school garden so I wouldn’t get squished I was too late! The children raced out of the classes’ one after another they raced out and ran past the garden to the playground and a girl with plaited pigtails pancaked me with her sneakers. I heard the crunch of my shell breaking before I died.   BY NAKISHA

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